Volunteer Program

Volunteers provide invaluable assistance to the onsite coordination of the 2024 US HUPO Conference and Tradeshow. An estimated 48 shifts will need to be filled throughout the Conference in the following areas: Registration and Information Desk, Exhibitor Install & Information Desk, Excursion Bus Loading, and Registration Bag Assembly.


Conference Solutions is the official meeting planner for the 2024 US HUPO Conference and will coordinate the onsite volunteer program and will provide the necessary training for volunteers to fulfill their tasks.



We would like to show our appreciation to those who have dedicated their time to assist with the 2024 US HUPO Conference. Volunteers who sign up for at least 6 hours will receive complimentary registration to the full conference.


Already registered but interested in volunteering? Sign up for at least six hours and email Register@ConferenceSolutionsInc.com to get your registration fee refunded. 



Registration Bag Assembly

Assist in preparing International Conference registration packets. Tasks may include:

  • Collate and stuff registration packets for Conference attendees
  • Volunteers should be able to lift 15 lbs., stand for at least 2-3 hours and work in an assembly-line style environment.


Registration & Information Desk

Assist at the Registration and Information Desk. Tasks may include:

  • Check in Pre-Conference Workshop, and/or Conference attendees
  • Provide attendees with appropriate registration materials and giveaways, if any
  • Assist attendees with questions regarding the Conference and provide directional support, if possible
  • Assist with Conference tasks as necessary in relation to the Registration desk


Exhibitor Install & Breakdown

Assist Exhibitors during Exhibit Setup and/or Breakdown. Tasks may include:

  • Place poster numbers/exhibit signs on boards/tables according to diagram
  • Provide directional assistance to Exhibitors
  • Assist Exhibitors with questions, if possible
  • Remove poster numbers/exhibit signs on boards/tables


Excursion Bus Loading

Conference Solutions will oversee the loading of excursion buses and train Volunteers to assist. Tasks may include:

  • Direct delegates to the correct bus and assist with check-in/loading as needed


Please consider signing up for a shift on Sunday (3/10) and/or Monday (3/11) as these are the days volunteers are most needed!


Want to sign up to volunteer? Sign Up

Already signed up to volunteer? Login